Book Appointment



Our booking link will take you to our service portal.


Select your service, choose your time and professional.


Lookout for your email confirmation and we’ll see you soon!


No Children

Children are not permitted in the spa. In our commitment to provide a safe, relaxing, and enjoyable environment for all clients we will enforce this policy. We appreciate your understanding.

Services for Under 18

While we do offer select services for guests under 18, we ask that a parent accompany their child at time of visit.

Be Punctual

Please arrive 10 minutes before your scheduled appointment.

Cancel & No-Show Fee

A $50 fee will be charged for no-shows and for clients who cancel their appointment within 24 hours. If you schedule a following appointment, and keep it, the $50 will be applied to your total.


We accept all major credit and debit cards, business checks, gift cards, Cherry Financing, and Care Credit. Payment is due upon checkout.

Plasma Pen

A consultation is required before Plasma Pen can be administered. We need to assess the skin condition and create a safe and effective treatment strategy. Serious results require serious planning!

Ageless Golden Rule

For the future of Ageless we will be centering our everyday practice and sole mission around the Ageless Golden Rule. We strongly believe in doing unto others, as you wish to have them do unto you—being kind, warm, welcoming, humble, respectful, and grateful. As the world continues to change, we continue to adapt to the changes. We want Ageless to be a place of peace and harmony, good energy, and calming vibes.


• • • What does that mean for you?


In order to better serve our clients and team, we want you to know that we value your physical and mental wellness. We want to provide excellent aesthetic services that not only make you look great, but FEEL great. We want you to leave happy and feeling confident in your health and aesthetic regimen. If at any point during your time with us you feel your goals, both aesthetically and physically, are not being met then please bring this to our attention and we will do our best to address all of your concerns. Your happiness is our priority, and if we feel like we can not meet your needs we would be more than happy to refer you to another medical spa/facility to best serve you.

By clicking the Book button below, you confirm you have read, understand and agree to the policies listed above.